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Generation Zero - Tactical Equipment Pack (DLC)
Buy Generation Zero Tactical Equipment Pack now!
You will receive the key for the DLC by Systemic Reaction via eMail within the stated delivery time.
Use Molotov cocktails, remote-controlled explosives, gun turrets, explosive toys and more against the machines!
Download Generation Zero Tactical Equipment Pack for free via the Steam network.
Steam can be found here.
The original game (not included in this offer) is required to use, respectively, play the contents of the DLC.
Product description
The Resistance fighters have gotten craftier with their combat techniques, trying out both established and improvised equipment for battle purposes. This particular batch brings both explosive and defensive elements to the battle and can be crafted using materials collected across Östertörn. Additionally, a small amount has been put into your PLUNDRA storage box for experimentation purposes. So head out there and wreak some havoc!
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